Skills & Expertise
A comprehensive overview of my technical skills and proficiencies across various domains of software development and data science.
Data Analysis & Visualization
Tools and platforms for data analysis and visualization
Python (Pandas, NumPy) R Tableau Power BI SQL Looker Excel Statistical Analysis Data Cleaning ETL Processes
Machine Learning
Machine learning algorithms and frameworks
Scikit-learn Logistic Regression Support Vector Machine KNN Decision Trees Statistical Modeling Feature Engineering Model Evaluation
Programming Languages
Core languages I use for development
Python JavaScript TypeScript SQL Java C# Perl
Web Development
Technologies for building web applications
React.js Astro Node.js HTML5/CSS3 TypeScript Tailwind CSS Bootstrap PHP
Development Tools
Tools and platforms I use for development
Git GitHub VS Code PyCharm Jupyter Notebooks npm/yarn Docker AWS
Database & Backend
Database systems and backend technologies
MySQL PostgreSQL MongoDB Firebase RESTful APIs Node.js Express.js
UI/UX & Design
Design tools and principles
Figma Responsive Design CSS Animations Color Theory UI Components Accessibility (a11y)